Dòng Máu Việt Nam Cộng Hòa

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Newhaven Town Council : UK to Object the Building of the Evil Ho Chi Minh’s Statue

Second letter to Newhaven Town, UK to Object the Building of the Evil Ho Chi Minh’s Statue
Ms. Jacky Main| Clerk to the Council
Newhaven Town Council
18 Fort Road, Newhaven
East Sussex, BN9 9QE
T: 01273 516100
F: 01273 611175
September 10, 2015
To: Newhaven Town Council Members.
  Ms. Jacky Main, Town Council Clerk.
 Dear Council Members and Ms. Main,
We understand that the purpose of your plan to promote the historic link between Newhaven and Ho Chi Minh to increase tourism, new business opportunities and more, which your town Newhaven would benefit.
However, we would like you to take into consideration how hurtful your plan is and will be to millions of Vietnamese refugees who fled Vietnam after the Communists won the war. It also hurts the feeling of tens of millions people in Vietnam who have been suffering from the Communist brutality.  Many Vietnamese are still trying to flee away from the country to avoid the merciless policies and oppression of the Communist regime. Indeed, Vietnamese people are without any human and civil rights.
We’d like to cite a persistent violation of human rights: As reported by Human Rights Watch, the police in Vietnam routinely use torture and beatings to extract confessions and punish detainees. The criminal justice system, as well as other branches, is under control of the Communist Party.
Ho Chi Minh – the founder of Communist Party (1930) and then Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945) - is the true responsible man for all misery our people have been enduring. He is no hero to the people, but only to the Communists who hold power and enjoy high privilege.
While you say you don't expect either depiction of Ho Chi Minh to be particularly accurate, we want to highlight to the Town Council Members how in 1990, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization refused to recognize Ho Chi Minh as a great leader who "liberated" Vietnam, despite the Communist Vietnam' s efforts.
Please, be so kind as to thoroughly research the history to learn the true identity of Ho Chi Minh and reconsider potentially accepting the gift from Vietnam, which will undoubtedly be viewed as a way to honor Ho Chi Minh and unfortunately not just a quirk of history.
Kind regards,
Michael Do
CEO President of the Vietnamese American Community of the USA
Michael Do (Do Van Phuc)
Chairman of the Board of Executives.
The Vietnamese American Community of the USA

Vietnamese Communists must render FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS to the people before a political defeat would cost them their livelihood and even their lives.


Letter to Newhaven Town, UK to Object the Building of the Evil Ho Chi Minh’s Statue
Letter to Town Council of Newhaven, East Sussex, United Kingdom
From: The Vietnamese American Community of the USA
To: admin@newhaventowncouncil.gov.uk
Dear City Council,

Building a statue of the tyrant Ho Chi Minh at your town is a bad idea. Ho Chi Minh is no hero of our people, but a mass murderer who killed about 80,000 peasants in the so-called Land Reform, who launched the bloody war against the independent Republic of Vietnam resulting in the lost of millions of lives. But the most critical thing he’s done is the establishing of an inhuman regime that has oppressed our people in 70 years. Vietnam under Communism now is decades behind our neighboring countries. Please, cancel the project.

Reply by Newhaven Council Town Council
Dear Vietnamese American Community of the USA,
I am very sorry to hear that you are upset by the plans to place a monument on West Quay referring to Ho Chi Minh’s historic link with the Newhaven-Dieppe ferry.
The interest of the Vietnamese Embassy in Newhaven came about as an unforeseen consequence of a project in Newhaven to put some colourful banners up by the harbour in the town in 2013. There are 10 banners in total, each with a quirky historical fact about Newhaven on them, all starting with “Did you know?” One of the banners says “Did you know that Ho Chi Minh once worked as a pastry chef on the Newhaven-Dieppe ferry?” Other banners are about other well-known people who once had a connection with the town – some good (like Edward Gibbon, who wrote the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) and others bad (like Lord Lucan, a famous murder suspect). Some of the banners are not about people at all.
Our local newspaper, the Sussex Express ran a story about the banners. This was picked up by the BBC, who found it quite extraordinary that Ho Chi Minh might have once worked on the ferry and they ran a piece on regional TV news focusing on this particular quirky historical fact. This in turn was picked up by the Vietnamese Embassy, which approached the town council wanting to form friendship links with Newhaven. The Vietnamese Ambassador came down to Newhaven to unveil the banner; there was a reception to celebrate Ho Chi Minh’s birthday in a local hall and the memorial stone on West Quay was also unveiled. This event was organised at very short notice; the existing stone was always intended however to be temporary – it was merely a marker for where the eventual memorial is to go.
It is entirely clear to us here in Newhaven that many terrible things happened in Vietnam during the war there, perpetrated by both sides. We fully understand that for many people the memory of these atrocities lives on.
Wars always produce acts of great evil and horrific war crimes. These acts are usually carried out by both sides. The view of war time leaders which is passed down to history tends to be radically different depending which side the observer’s ancestors fought on. Vietnamese refugees living in other countries and American veterans perceive Ho Chi Minh as the embodiment of evil; the Vietnamese people who want to form friendship ties with Newhaven call him “Uncle Ho” and speak of him with great affection as the kindly father of his people. We would expect that neither image is particularly accurate – both images are the creations of opposing sides in a bitterly fought war.
Neither the banner, nor the monument (from our view point) is meant to be honouring a hero – they are just supposed to arouse people’s interest in the town and its history.
The Vietnamese War ended in 1975. Great Britain was never involved in it – we did not send any troops at all. We in fact established diplomatic relations with the new government of Vietnam in 1973 before the war ended.
We have to make friends with countries that we have fought against once wars are over, otherwise the world could not operate. If this didn’t happen we British wouldn’t be able to talk with or trade with the Germans, or the French for instance. The Germans systematically murdered thousands of Jews during the Second World War; the Japanese treated British prisoners of war with great barbarity – but Britain is friends with both countries now. And in this case, actually the British never fought against Vietnam.
The Vietnamese Embassy is very interested in Newhaven because of its historic links with their revered leader Ho Chi Minh and is offering opportunities for Newhaven businesses to form trading links with Vietnam and schools to exchange for the educational benefit of children in both countries. They want to promote tourism and anticipate that large numbers of Vietnamese tourists will want to come to visit Newhaven to see a town which has a connection with Ho Chi Minh and this can only help with the regeneration of Newhaven.
Newhaven Town Council understands that the Vietnamese Embassy sees this quirk of history as an opportunity for them to promote better public relations with Britain. We feel that it can only be to the benefit of people both in Vietnam and here in Newhaven to have friendly relations with the current regime. It is by talking openly to each other and learning about each other that we can influence each other – and, we would hope, prevent future wars and future war crimes.
At present we do not know exactly what is proposed, but we are not expecting it to be a statue of Ho Chi Minh himself, but rather something more abstract which refers to the quirk of history and the present day friendship links. Whatever it is, it will be a gift from Vietnam and will be subject to the usual planning regulations, which will give everyone an opportunity to assess its appropriateness.
Kind regards,
Jacky Main| Clerk to the Council
Newhaven Town Council
18 Fort Road, Newhaven
East Sussex, BN9 9QE
T: 01273 516100
F: 01273 611175
Web: http://www.newhaventowncouncil.gov.uk

"The world will be destroyed not by the evil people, but by good people watching evil people doing it"

 Please support Maria Caulfield, MP for Lewes, in her efforts in raising awareness and combating the proposed construction of a statue of Ho Chi Minh in Newhaven Town.

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