Chỉ còn hơn 1 tuần nữa là lễ Giáng sinh. Và chỉ còn 2 tuần nữa là Tết Dương Lịch.
Giáng sinh và Tết là dịp để chúng ta đoàn tụ bên gia đình để hưởng những ngày lễ đầm ấm, vui vẻ. Trong khi đó hàng ngàn Tù Nhân Lương Tâm lại phải trải thêm một mùa Giáng sinh và Tết cô đơn trong ngục tù Cộng sản.
Để nhắn nhủ với các Tù Nhân Lương Tâm, những người đã hy sinh Tự do của mình để đấu tranh cho Dân chủ, Nhân quyền rằng chúng ta ở hải ngoại Không Quên Họ trong những ngày lễ gia đình này.
Chúng tôi mạo muội gửi đến quý cô bác, anh chị và các bạn lời kêu gọi : Hãy cùng nhau gửi thiệp Giáng sinh và Tết về cho các Tù Nhân Lương Tâm ở VN.
Những tấm thiệp này sẽ an ủi họ rất nhiều trong những ngày dài trong tù và giúp họ thêm nghị lực để vượt qua những khắc nghiệt trong nhà tù Cộng sản.
Gia đình của các Tù Nhân Lương Tâm cũng sẽ rất cảm động vì biết chúng ta không quên thân nhân của họ đang ở trong tù.
- Nếu Tù Nhân Lương tâm nhận được thiệp: đó là một an ủi vô cùng lớn lao với họ, giúp họ thêm nghị lực trải qua những ngày dài khổ cực trong tù vì họ biết rằng thế giới không quên họ
- Nếu công an trại giam không cho nhận thì đây vẫn là một thông điệp gửi đến công an cộng sản, rằng: người Việt hải ngoại vẫn hướng về các Tù nhân Lương tâm. Họ không cô đơn.
Mong các anh chị phổ biến rộng rải. Phí tổn vật chất không bao nhiêu mà thành quả tinh thần rất to lớn. Mỗi người ở hải ngoại chỉ cần gửi 2 tấm thiệp về VN là các trại giam sẽ tràn ngập thiệp Giáng sinh và Tết.
Xin quý cô bác, anh chị và các bạn chuyển email này đi....... kêu gọi càng nhiều người gửi càng tốt.
Mong sao các tấm thiệp mang biểu tượng Giáng sinh, Tết hay biểu tượng của các quốc gia sẽ tràn ngập các trại giam từ Bắc chí Nam trong những ngày tới
Xin quý vị vào trang blog này để xem cách hướng dẫn gửi thiệp, cũng như danh sách Tù Nhân Lương Tâm và địa chỉ trại giam:
Kính chúc quý cô bác, anh chị và các bạn một Giáng sinh an bình, đầm ấm bên cạnh gia đình và một năm mới thuận lợi, với mọi ước vọng sẽ thành đạt.
Trân trọng
Câu Lạc Bộ Phối Hợp Công Tác Paris và nhóm thân hữu bốn phương.
PS: Thành thật xin lỗi nếu Lời Kêu Gọi này làm phiền đến quý vị. Hoặc quý vị phải nhận nhiều lần email này.
Những người tù chính trị ở VN, xin người Việt Tự Do đừng bao giờ quên họ.
Có biét bao người tù già 60-75 tuổi trong nầy, nhiều người đang trong tình trạng sức khỏe yếu kém. Xin đánh thức lương tâm của chúng ta, của người Việt trong và ngoài nước. XIN ĐỪNG BAO GIỜ QUÊN HỌ.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
E1734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—Extensions of Remarks September 23, 2010
Mr. ROHRABACHER. Madam Speaker, the Vietnamese government is nothing but a gaggle
of thugs and gangsters who exploit, control and profit from the labor of the Vietnamese
people and the theft of that nation’s natural resources. The Hanoi dictatorship regularly imprisons,
tortures and executes Vietnamese citizens who challenge the government/mafia’s rule.
As in all countries ruled by a communist party religious believers are persecuted most
severely because those who align themselves with a higher authority than the mob in the
capitol are its greatest threat. More than two years ago, I placed a list of the political prisoners
then being held by the government of Vietnam in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.
I am sorry to say that the list of political prisoners now being held in Vietnam has
actually grown over the last twenty-four months. Vietnam has benefited immensely
from growing US-Vietnam ties in the 15 years since relations were resumed, but the relationship
has not in any way, shape, or form been a two-way street. Vietnam remains a one-party
state that restricts freedom of association and assembly, controls religious and labor organizations,
bars independent media, obstructs free speech and harshly prosecutes its most prominent public critics.
In advance of the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long, Ha Noi on October 1st, I call on the Vietnamese
ruling elite to release all political and religious prisoners immediately and unconditionally. And I urge the State Department to re-designate Vietnam a ‘‘Country of Particular Concern’’ for its gross violations of
human rights and religious freedom.
I have attached a new List of Political and Religious Prisoners Who are Still Detained.
1. Truong Van Duy, life sentenced, then reduced to 20 years, has been in prison for 14 years, the Campaign the Red Jacaranda of Hoang Viet Cuong, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
2. Le Van Tinh, over 70 years old, member of People Action Party of Vietnam (PAP), Advisory Board member to Unified Buddhist Church, arrested 25/01/1995, sentenced to 20 years, has been in prison for 14 years in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
3. Do Van Thai, sentenced to 17 years, has been in prison for 11 years, has HIV/AIDS, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
4. Nguyen Huu Cau, life sentenced, has been in prison for 34 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
5. Nguyen Van Hoa, nearly 70 years old, sentenced to 20 years, has been in prison for 18 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
6. Nguyen Van Trai, sentenced to 16 years, has been in prison for 14 years, has stomach bleeding, weakness, cerebrovascular disease,in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
7. Nguyen Long Hoi, nearly 70 years old, life sentenced, then reduced to 20 years, had been in prison for 13 years, then escaped and was arrested in 2010, now has to be in prison for 7 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
8. Nguyen Tuan Nam, member of People Action Party of Vietnam (PAP), sentenced to 19 years, has been in prison for 14 years, has cerebrovascular disease, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
9. Tran Van Duc, member of the Free Vietnam Organization (FVO), near 60 years old, sentenced to 11 years and has been in prison for nearly 11 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
10. Nguyen Xuan No , sentenced to 8 years, has been in prison for 4 years, political prisoner in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
11. Tran Van Thieng, 75 years old, sentenced to 20 years, has been in prison for 19 years and 6 months, has chronic kidney stage 3 and prostatic disease, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
12. Bui Dang Thuy, nearly 60 years old, member of People Action Party of Vietnam (PAP), sentenced to 18 years, has been in prison for 13 years, has severe lung disease, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
13. Nguyen Van Canh, nearly 60 years old, sentenced to 13 years, has been in prison for 5 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
14. Do Thanh Nhan, 84 years old, sentenced to 20 years, has been in prison for 18 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
15. To Van Hong, nearly 60 years old, sentenced to 13 years, has been in prison for 11 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
16. Danh Huong, Cambodian-Vietnamese prisoner, sentenced to 17 years, has been in prison for 11 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
17. Pham Xuan Than, life sentenced, has been in prison for 14 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
18. Nguyen Hoang Son, sentenced to 12 years, has been in prison for 11 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
19. Huynh Anh Tu, member of the Free Vietnam Organization (FVO), 42 years old, sentenced to 13 years, has been in prison for 10 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
20. Huynh Anh Tri, member of the Free Vietnam Organization (FVO), 38 years old, sentenced to 13 years, has been in prison for 10 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
21. Nguyen Ngoc Phuong, member of the Free Vietnam Organization (FVO), 45 years old, a Vietnamese living in Cambodia, sentenced to 13 years, has been in prison for 10 years, in Camp 1, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
22. Nguyen Van Trung , over 60 years old, sentenced to 20 years, has been in prison for 18 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
23. Huynh Anh, sentenced to 8 years, has been in prison for 6 years, in Camp 2, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
24. Au, was arrested in recent day and was in court at Lam Dong, Dong Nai province.
25. Kim, was arrested in recent day and was in court at Lam Dong, Dong Nai province.
26. Huyen, was arrested in recent day and was in court at Lam Dong, Dong Nai province.
27. Phuong, was arrested in recent day and was in court at Lam Dong, Dong Nai province.
28. Vu Hung, sentenced to 20 years, had been in prison for 11 years, escaped and was arrested.
29. Do Thanh Van, sentenced to 20 years, has been in the prison for 12 years.
30. Pham Ba Hai, sentenced to 5 years, has been in the prison for 4 years.
31. Huynh Buu Chau, about 58 years old, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province was arrested in 1999 in Cambodia, sentenced to 11 years, and will be released on 9/9/10, in Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
32. Ho Long Duc, member of the Free Vietnam Organization (FVO), sentenced to 20 years, has been in the prison for 12 years, in Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
33. Van Ngoc Hieu, sentenced to 20 years, has been in the prison for 12 years, hasn’t had anyone who visits, escaped from the Camp B34 but was arrested.
34. Le Kim Hung, member of the Free Vietnam Organization (FVO), sentenced 20 years, has been in the prison for 12 years, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
35. Truong Quoc Huy, 29 years old, sentenced to 6 years, has been in the prison for 4 years.
36. Tran Quoc Hien, lawyer, the spokesman to The United Workers and Famers Association (UWFA), sentenced to 5 years, has been in the prison for 3 years, in Bo La prison camp, Binh Duong province.
37. Son Nguyen Thanh Dien, member of the Free Vietnam Organization (FVO), has USA Green Card, returned to Vietnam, was arrested and sentenced to 17 years, has been in the prison for 12 years, in Xuan Loc prison camp, Dong Nai province.
38. Nguyen Van Phuong, sentenced to 17 years, has been in the prison for 12 years, in Xuan Loc prison camp, Dong Nai province.
39. Tran Hoang Giang, sentenced to 16 years, has been in the prison for 12 years, in Xuan Loc prison camp, Dong Nai province.
40. Truong Minh Duc, journalist, camp 4.
41. Tran Tu, life sentenced, has been in the prison for 17 years, has USA Green Card, in Nam Ha prison camp.
42. V. Van Thanh Liem, 60 years old, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 6 years and 6 months.
43. V. Van Dien, 71 years old, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 7 years, has been in the prison for 5 years.
44. Nguyen Thanh Phong, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 6 years.
45. V. Van Buu, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 7 years.
46. Mai Thi Dung, Vo Van Buu’s wife, sentenced to 11 years, is severe sickness, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
47. Nguyen Van Tho, 72 years old, sentenced to 7 years, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
48. Duong Thi Tron, Nguyen Van Tho’s wife, 72 years old, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
49. Le Van Soc, sentenced to 6 years, was arrested in 2006, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
50. To Van Manh, sentenced to 6 years, was arrested in 2006, Hoa Hao religious prisoner.
51. Nguyen Van Thuy, sentenced to 5 years, was arrested in 2006, Hoa Hao religious prisoner.
52. Doan Van Duyen, member of The United Workers and Famers Association (UWFA), arrested 12/04/07, sentenced to 4 years, in camp prison B5, Bien Hoa, Dong Nai province.
53. Tran Van Thiep, arrested in 2007, lived in An Giang province.
54. Nguyen Van Hai, nick name ‘‘Blogger Dieu Cay’’, sentenced to 2 years and 6 months, political prisoner (but was arrested with the reason announced by court: ‘‘did not pay tax’’)
55. Nguyen Van Ngoc, 51 years old, arrested in 2007, sentenced to 5 years.
56. Nguyen Van Phong, born in 1975, member of Progressive Pa20in Xuan Loc prison camp, Dong Nai province.
40. Truong Minh Duc, journalist, camp 4.
41. Tran Tu, life sentenced, has been in the prison for 17 years, has USA Green Card, in Nam Ha prison camp.
42. V. Van Thanh Liem, 60 years old, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 6 years and 6 months.
43. V. Van Dien, 71 years old, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 7 years, has been in the prison for 5 years.
44. Nguyen Thanh Phong, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 6 years.
45. V. Van Buu, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, sentenced to 7 years.
46. Mai Thi Dung, Vo Van Buu’s wife, sentenced to 11 years, is severe sickness, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
47. Nguyen Van Tho, 72 years old, sentenced to 7 years, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
48. Duong Thi Tron, Nguyen Van Tho’s wife, 72 years old, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
49. Le Van Soc, sentenced to 6 years, was arrested in 2006, Hoa Hao religious prisoner, Camp 4, Xuan Loc prison, Dong Nai province.
50. To Van Manh, sentenced to 6 years, was arrested in 2006, Hoa Hao religious prisoner.
51. Nguyen Van Thuy, sentenced to 5 years, was arrested in 2006, Hoa Hao religious prisoner.
52. Doan Van Duyen, member of The United Workers and Famers Association (UWFA), arrested 12/04/07, sentenced to 4 years, in camp prison B5, Bien Hoa, Dong Nai province.
53. Tran Van Thiep, arrested in 2007, lived in An Giang province.
54. Nguyen Van Hai, nick name ‘‘Blogger Dieu Cay’’, sentenced to 2 years and 6 months, political prisoner (but was arrested with the reason announced by court: ‘‘did not pay tax’’)
55. Nguyen Van Ngoc, 51 years old, arrested in 2007, sentenced to 5 years.
56. Nguyen Van Phong, born in 1975, member of Progressive Party, arrested in 03/29/07, sentenced to 6 years, has been in the prison for 3 years and 5 months, in K3, Camp 5, Yen Dinh, Thanh Hoa province.
57. Nguyen Binh Thanh, born in 1955, member of Progressive Party, arrested on 3/30/07, sentenced to 5 ye
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