Dòng Máu Việt Nam Cộng Hòa

Friday, 11 September 2015

Letter to Newhaven Town council in England

To the Council Newhaven Town Council
Ms. Jacky Main| Clerk
18 Fort Road,
Newhaven East Sussex,
                                                                                                                        Date, 10th Sept 2015

 Dear Jacky Main, Clerk of Newhaven Council.
UK is a most symbolic democratic country in the world. UK presents for the opposing against the human rights violation, the moral, righteous valuation that is the key of democratic issues. England and British respect the humanity, so its Common wealth condemn the crimes against human rights. In the record, UK has never honored Hitler, Pol Pot or the other serious criminals.
Ho Chi Minh is the massive killer in Vietnam, he raped a 15 year old at Thailand in 1929....unfortunately Town of Newhave honored a teen raper, massacre. In the business, dealing or co-operation with dishonest, that means accomplice, likely a shop buys stolen goods. 
Ho Chi Minh's statue being placed at Town of Newhave couldn't excite the tourists, instead people would boycott when they discover the town placed a teen raper and serious criminal against the humanity. The Vietnamese live in UK don't want to come this town, the local resident recognize Ho Chi Minh is dishonest.
The Ho Chi Minh's statue raises the long term damage for economy and prestige of town. My book number 5 is going to release by a global Publisher in New York written about Town of Newhaven honored Ho Chi Minh. my book to be read by reader around the world, it is my reaction while Ho Chi Minh statue presents at Newhaven.
I believe Ho Chi Minh's statue causes more controversy from local resident, politician as local member Maria Caulfield, media....
I wrote in THE GUARDIAN on June 5, 2013:
" Tiananmen Square is among the most massacre scene in the earth, the event has been remained and unforgotten ever into the victim family, Chinese and the world. The serious crime opposes against the humanity, but the world have seemed ignorance since 1989, actually the trade has been covered the crime of China communist party, while the most genocide appeared at the international court.
In China mainland, communist regime has found out the away to wave the crime, but the world and even though Hong Kong, the people have not forgotten the bloodshed made by the communist regime, the regime killed the innocent people while they just wanted the freedom and democracy by peaceful protest.
The dictatorial in China is continuing the dynasty with Mao Tse Tung era, a crazy leader who killed 65 million people from 1949 to 1976 and now his party follows footage to keep regime by violence. The communist movement is the serious disaster for our planet with 100 million people killed by the title of revolution, class struggle. The Bolska newspaper in Poland, published on March 5, 2013, it listed 13 massive massacres in 20th with the names as Mao Ste Tung, Lenin, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot...being there.
Unfortunately, on May 19, 2013, a museum of Town Newhaven in England honored Ho Chi Minh's status, despite Ho Chi Minh killed 1,700,000 people and his dignity was very bad, in record, he raped a teenager, 15 years old, names Tuyet Lan at Thailand in 1929.
The Tiannamen square is the most human rights disaster on the earth, but the killers have not accused yet.
Hoa Minh Truong.
( author of 3 books: the dark journey, good evening Vietnam & from laborer to author)"
*Please open the search on internet " Hoa Truong's publlic profile /identity/ The Guardian, page 6)
Finally I believe the council of Newhaven do not ignore the people voices, that could cost the worse consequence for town and administration
yours faithfully.
Hoa Minh Truong
"The world will be destroyed not by the evil people, but by good people watching evil people doing it"

 Please support Maria Caulfield, MP for Lewes, in her efforts in raising awareness and combating the proposed construction of a statue of Ho Chi Minh in Newhaven Town.

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