Dòng Máu Việt Nam Cộng Hòa

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Massacre at Hue , TET 1968

California, February 5th, 2013
From: Liên Thành
           President, Committee of Prosecuting Vietnamese Communist Criminals (CPVCC) 
           P.O. Box 6147, Fullerton, Ca. 92834
           Phone: 626-257-1057
           Email: ubtttadcsvn.vg@...
To:     Mr.  Nguyễn Phú Trọng, Secretary General, Communist Party of Vietnam
          Mr. Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Prime Minister, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
          Mr. Nguyễn Quốc Cường, Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ambassador to the United States.
Re: Request debate concerning “TẾT Mậu Thân 1968 Offensive” & SRVN-State-sponsored movie “Mậu Thân 1968”.
Dear Sirs,
It  has been 45 years since the day you had violated our Cease-Fire Agreement during the Three-Day TẾT Mậu Thân 1968 which was initially proposed by you then immediately launched the TẾT Offensive throughout South Vietnam on the First Day of our traditionally holy TẾT. Now, you have introduced the movie “Mậu Thân 1968” which consists of 12 episodes that indicates you have never killed the South Vietnamese citizens, especially people of Huê’. This grossly lied movie cannot wipe off clean your war crimes and your sinful massacre against the innocent unarmed Vietnamese people. The government of Republic of Vietnam (RVN) and international communities have archived more than sufficient evidences and witnesses to strongly confirm: The brutally massive murders during TẾT 1968 were carefully planned and well executed by Hồ Chi’ Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese regional moles to inflict massive deaths, injuries and kidnaps to the South Vietnamese people and the mostly heavy casualties at City of Hue. In these most painful killings with no mercy, more than 7,000 citizens of the Republic of Vietnam were horribly killed. Out of these victims, 5,327 innocent civilians in Huê’ were tied up by ropes, phone cords, barbed wires…in groups, their heads were forcefully fractured then were buried alive. 1,200 citizens were captured, tied up and taken along with your troops. Until today, their corpses have never been located. The facts of your massive executions of innocent people have been accurately accounted. Yet, you keep insisting there are no mass graves of people whose heads were fractured or beheaded, that the U.S. and the RVN troops committed these crimes and that were only the “psychological warfare tactics” by the American authorities, etc.     
Therefore, in order to regain the ethical fairness to your murdered victims, the American and the Republic of Vietnam’s soldiers who had fought and been killed to protect their innocent unarmed citizens and the territories of the Republic of Vietnam, we hereby solemnly inform you that we, the Committee of Prosecuting Vietnamese Communist Criminals has been in process of filing criminal and civil complaints before authorized judicial tribunals to evaluate and grant judgments on this specific massacre of yours against humanity by which those murderers and war criminals, low or high-ranking, dead or alive, will be all prosecuted, sentenced and required to make proper compensations to the victims. Obviously, Hồ Chi’ Minh is one of the first notorious war criminals to the People of Vietnam even though he was already dead. 
Justice and fairness must be given back to the People of the Republic of Vietnam, citizens of City of Huê’, the American and the South Vietnamese’s Armies. To comply with the principle of fairness, the defendants (YOU and the Communist Party of Vietnam) will also be granted defense in front of their victims and the Vietnamese People.
Therefore, we would like to request that you officially send out your representatives including movie director Lê Hoàng Lan who directed the of movie “Mậu Thân 1968” to face, testify and engage in a debate with us as well as to answer questions of the People of the  South Vietnam and the People of Huê’. The debate will be organized at the Commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of the Sacrifice of the South Vietnamese People, Troops, Officials, Cadres and American troops during “TẾT Mậu Thân 1968 Offensive”. The debate will be organized at the main conference room in Community Services Building, City of Westminster, 8200 Westminster Boulevard, Westminster, Ca. 92638. Time: 1:00pm Sunday noon, February 10th, 2013 (1:00pm of the First Day of TẾT QUÝ TỴ, 4am Monday in Vietnam).
In order to respect the crystalized clarification and the fairness, this debate will be conducted under direct international television coverage which will be transmitted live to more than 80 million Vietnamese viewers inside and outside Vietnam so they can watch and evaluate our debate. It is our hope that you will accept our justified invitation to prove that you have not changed our Vietnam History “black into white” as you have done in this movie and have always done so in the History of Vietnam.
Sincerely yours,
Liên Thành

-          President, Committee of Prosecuting Vietnamese Communist Criminals (CPVCC).
-          Former Commander of Police at City of Huê’ and Thừa Thiên Province, Republic of South Vietnam who directly engaged  in combats and investigations of Mậu Thân 1968 massacre in Huê’ (South Vietnam’s side).
-          President, Committee Organizing the Commemoration of People, Troops, Officials, Cadres, American and Vietnamese Troops who sacrificed during TÊ’T MẬU THÂN 1968 Offensive.   
Massacre at Hue , TET 1968 (Douglas Pike)
TET (1968) Offensive
Hue massacre, TET 1968, North Vietnamese communist crime against its own people (Ngo The Linh & Ngo The Hung)
HUE at 1968 TET massacre
The Silent Tears in Hue City
Hue: the massacre the Left wants us to forget (Gerard Jackson The New Australian)
1968-2008: The 40th Anniversary of the Hue Massacre (Kim Nguyen)
TET Offensive (by VETS With A mission)
Surprised at TET: U.S. Naval Forces in Vietnam , 1968 (Glenn E. Helm)
The TET Offensive (Steven Hayward)
TET Offensive of 1968 - A Simpler Version


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