Dòng Máu Việt Nam Cộng Hòa

Wednesday 22 May 2013



Hải Ngoại Không Thể Nào Chấp Nhận Làm Ngơ!
Chúng Ta Phải
Phẫn Nộ, Phản Kháng Chưa Đủ! Phải Hành Động ....
Hôm Nay
Anh Quốc (UK) Ngày Mai Âu Châu (Euro)?

Kính gởi:  Kính gởi: Quý đồng hương, Quý cộng đồng, Truyền Thông -Báo Chí,Tổ chức, Phong trào, Ðoàn thể đấu tranh chống cộng sản , Quý thân hào nhân sĩ và Quân, Dân, Cán Chính QL VNCH.
Thưa quý vị,
Xin tiếp tay phản đói về việc bọn sứ quán Việt gian cộng sản tại Anh (UK) liện lạc với Thị sảnh Newhaven(UK) tặng tượng Hồ tặc nhân ngày 19-5.2013 .
Chúng tôi cần chử ký có thể sớm thực hiện việc tiếp xúc với chính quyền Thị xã Newhaven v/v hạ bệ tượng Hồ tặc tại Viện Bảo Tàng địa phương này. ngoài ra, trước khi tiến hành công việc nói trên, kính mời quý vị vào link website dưới đây của Newhaven Town Council để tham khảo : http://www.newhaventowncouncil.gov.uk/news  
Chúng tôi thiết tha kêu gọi mọi người Việt Nam ở trong và ngoài nước bằng hành động cụ thể yêu cầu Hội Đồng Thành Phố New Haven, Anh Quốc dẹp  bỏ tượng Hồ Chí Minh.

 Xin quý vị bấm vào link dưới đây:
 http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/newhaven-town-council-please-stop-the-ho-chi/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=system&utm_campaign=Send%2Bto%2BFriend .
Quý vị có thể  gởi thẳng đến Town Council Offices Email: admin@newhaventowncouncil.gov.uk, và  xin quý vị vui lòng kèm theo link The Petition (THỈNH NGUYỆN THƯ ).
Rất mong quý vị hưởng ứng và tiếp tay vận động tối đa .
Một Chử Ký Là Một Viên Đạn  Bắn Vào Đầu Tập Đoàn Việt Gian CS  Buôn Dân Bán Nước.

Trân trọng, 


--------------- -Tin Paris -
     Sau khi được một số anh em ở Âu Châu thông báo về tượng của Hồ chí minh được thành phố Newhaven dựng lên nhân cái gọi là ngày sinh nhật của hắn vào năm 2013. Ông Trương Minh Hòa đã viết thư đến giải thích về sự sai lầm nghiêm trọng của thành phố, vinh danh một tên tội đồ đã giết hại hơn 1,700,00 người, theo báo Bolska của Ba Lan, thì Hồ chí minh được  xếp trong danh sách 13 tên sát nhân nhất thế kỷ 20.

    Thành phố Newhaven cách London chừng 300 cây số, đây là vùng duyên hải, ít có dân cư người Việt, nên có thể có một số tên nằm vùng, lợi dụng thời cơ mà thuyết phục hội đồng thành phố dựng tượng tại bảo tàng viện thị trấn, do chính đại sứ tại Anh Quốc trao tặng và tên nầy cũng có mặt trong ngày sinh nhật hồ chí minh, cùng với một số người thuộc phía Việt Cộng, với hình ảnh, chúng quảng bá trên tờ báo online của BBC.

    Sau khi gởi thư giải thích và được bà Jacky Cole, chức vụ Deputy town clerk trả lời, biện minh, nhưng sau đó ông Trương Minh Hòa giải thích thêm những gì mà họ chưa biết. Do đó, một số người Việt có tấm lòng như anh Ngô Ngọc Hiếu đang xúc tiến những kế hoạch để tháo bỏ bức tượng của một tên sát nhân lừng danh thế kỷ 20, mà thỉnh nguyện thư là bước đầu để dẫn đến những biện pháp sau nầy.

    Được biết, ông Trương Minh Hòa từng tháo bỏ lá cờ đỏ sao vàng ở hội cao niên tiểu bang Queensland, cách nơi ôn cư ngụ hơn 5,000 cây số và lần nầy ông cũng nổ lực trong công cuộc tháo bỏ tượng hồ chí minh.



Dear Sir/Madam.!

I just discovered your city honored Ho Chi Minh, I know that is terrible mistake, so I write some information about Ho Chi Minh who founded the Vietnam communist party on February 3, 1930. His organization has been considered as an early terrorist group in the world. Recently the Poland newspaper Polska, published on March 5, 2013, they listed Ho Chi Minh being among the 13 most massive killers in 20th century. Ho Chi Minh killed more than 1,700,000 people into the multiple bloodshed campaigns were such as the landlord campaign, Tet offensive at Hue and so many crimes in Vietnam. Indeed Ho Chi Minh has been condemning by the most Vietnamese people, they are the victim family or the sufferers being faced the consequence of his crazy idea brought the communist theory to apply into Vietnam since 1930.His legacy is the Vietnam people who have been losing the freedom and regime always abuses the human rights to its people.

     Mr. Osama Bin Laden, an Al Qaeda leader, he killed about 3,900 people in US on September 11, 2001, he was condemned by the world, then there is no place to set up the statue honors Osama Bin Laden. However, Ho Chi Minh killed more than 1,700,000 people but the Newhaven city set up the statue to honor him, it is the terrible mistake, that would be harmed the city council and the city's prestige. How could the city council honor by setting up statue for a serious criminal Ho Chi Minh, his crime opposes against the humanity?
Ho Chi Minh has at least 6 birthdays, I wrote in my book" The dark journey: inside the reeducation camps of Vietcong" published in New York 2010, the details being there. My books revealed the untold stories about Ho Chi Minh's real face: how many wives he had?. Ho raped a teenager names Tuyet Lan at Thailand in 1929, he live with many women from Russia, China, Vietnam and even though he had sex with many mountain girls...A worse dignity man likes him, but city council sets up Ho Chi Minh's statue to honor, that couldn't suitable and opposes against the moral value of a city in the democratic country. Ho Chi Minh had 6 birthdays, so for what is his genuine birthday?. Likely  your city honors a man on his birthday, but you don't know  when he was born, how do you think?.

 On the other hand, the city of Newhaven made the terrible mistake, probably the council has been misled by someone, they should be Vietcong espionage agent in England, while the most Vietnamese refugee in the world loath Ho Chi Minh as the nationally l serious criminal, he was the massive massacre, but the city honors him by statue...

As the Vietnamese refugee, an author, I would like to alert the council of Newhaven city, you make the critical mistake, while the world recognize the real face of Ho Chi Minh, there was many document released after Soviet Union collapsed,  but your city honors him.
I propose the city council may remove Ho Chi Minh's statue as soon as possible, it is not too later to fix the problem. There is no body perfect, but the people welcome to who recognize the wrong and do it better.

Hoa Minh Truong:

* author of 3 books: the dark journey, good evening Vietnam & from laborer to author
* Member of: Poets & Writers in US, Commonwealth Writers, ABC-TV book club, senior journalist of Vietnamese language.


Dear Truong,

I am very sorry that you are upset by the event we held last Sunday and by the gift given to our local museum of a statue of Ho Chi Minh by the Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK.

I think it is entirely clear to us here in Newhaven that many terrible things happened in Vietnam during the war there, perpetrated by both sides.  I fully understand that as you are a Vietnamese refugee these things are still very vivid to you.

Wars always produce acts of selflessness and great courage, and also acts of great evil and horrific war crimes.  These acts are usually carried out by both sides.  The view passed down to history always tends to come from the winning side.  You perceive Ho Chi Minh as the embodiment of evil, the Vietnamese people we met on Sunday called him “Uncle Ho” and spoke of him with great affection as the kindly father of his people.  I would expect that neither image is particularly accurate – both images are the creations of opposing sides in a bitterly fought war.

The event on Sunday came about as an unforeseen consequence of a project in Newhaven to put some colourful banners up by the harbour in the town.  There are 10 banners in total, each with a quirky historical fact about Newhaven on them, all starting with “Did you know?”  One of the banners says “Did you know that Ho Chi Minh once worked as a pastry chef on the Newhaven-Dieppe ferry?”; other banners are about other well-known people who once had a connection with the town – some good (like Edward Gibbon, who wrote the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) and others bad (like Lord Lucan, a famous murder suspect here in Britain).  None of the banners are meant to be “honouring” anyone – they are just supposed to arouse people’s interest in the town and its history.  The one about Ho Chi Minh aroused a great deal of interest in both the local and national press here in the UK, because it was something that not very many people did know about Ho Chi Minh, and so it received a great deal of publicity.  This resulted in the Vietnamese Embassy making contact with Newhaven Town Council and asking if they could hold an event in Newhaven last Sunday, which I understand is a holiday in Vietnam described as Ho Chi Minh’s birthday.  It may or may not be the actual date on which Ho Chi Minh was born.  Our own Queen has two birthdays – her real one, which I expect she celebrates with her family, and an official one which is celebrated more formally by the nation.

The Vietnamese War ended in 1975. Great Britain was never involved in it - we did not send any troops at all. We in fact established diplomatic relations with the new government of Vietnam in 1973 before the war ended.

We have to make friends with countries that we have fought against once wars are over, otherwise the world could not operate. If this didn't happen we British wouldn't be able to talk with or trade with the Germans, or the French for instance.  The Germans systematically murdered thousands of Jews during the Second World War; the Japanese treated British prisoners of war with great barbarity – but we are friends with both countries now.  And in this case, actually the British never fought against Vietnam.

The Vietnamese Embassy is very interested in Newhaven because of its historic links with their revered leader Ho Chi Minh and is offering opportunities for Newhaven businesses to form trading links with Vietnam and schools to exchange for the educational benefit of children in both countries. They want to promote tourism and anticipate that large numbers of Vietnamese tourists will want to come to visit Newhaven to see a town which has a connection with Ho Chi Minh and this can only help with the regeneration of Newhaven. I hope you can see why the Town Council feels it should take advantage of this unexpected opportunity and why it hopes it is just the beginning of something which could bring good things to the town.

Kind regards,

Jacky Cole | Deputy Town Clerk
Newhaven Town Council
18 Fort Road
East Sussex
T: 01273 516100
F: 01273 611175
Web: www.newhaventowncouncil.gov.uk


Dear Jacky,

Thank for your response, I understand some body in the Western country have been misleading by the poison of communist propaganda that has been remaining since Vietnam war. I have no surprise the people who gathered and attended the Ho Chi Minh's honor that organized by city council, they are pro-communist regime, actually there was Vietcong'd ambassador presented. If Vietnamese refugee knew, there protest to be inevitable, no body couldn't understand the victim of communist than us.

I heard the Vietnamese people in England will take the react, they knew too late about your city honored Ho Chi Minh. If you want find more about Ho Chi Minh's biography, please read my three books: The dark journey: inside the reeducation camps of Vietcong, Good Evening Vietnam and From Laborer to author. I spent more than 30 years to learn English myself and hunted the genuine document form both sides ( a man, who was professor of Hanoi university, Russia dictionary author is my long term friend, who told me anything about Ho Chi Minh).

You shouldn't know how I exchanged my life to learn English. A book number 3 revealed that: After Saigon lost on April 30, 1975, I was among 800,000 sent to the reeducation camp for revenge policy, it was not fresh bloodshed, by dry bloodshed, Vietcong learned the lesson from Pol Pot that to be condemned, but they killed us gently by the hell of prison camp, we were suffering by starvation, illness without medical and treatment, labor forced as slave, so the reeducation modern killed more than 100,000 people. I am survivor, then I wrote the story in the reeducation camp.

During the period into reeducation camp, I saw Vietcong had the barbaric treat to us, likely animal, they killed my friends, so I promised myself:" if survival, I will write the book". In this time, Vietcong banned English as the Imperial American language, they titled as counter-revolution language. My mother told to me at a visit: Vietcong ordered people have to hand all the book, then gathered at public place, those burned down, they called" the counter-revolution literacy beaten campaign". A visit for every 3 month allowed in prison camp's rules, I told my mother about my willing to learn English. She revealed there was under bed, my younger  sister threw a pocket dictionary to hide, I told my mother to tear off by pieces, then adhered by rice glue, those created likely the newspaper sheets, she wrapped the supplied food then sent to me at jail. I had to take the extreme caution, if Vietcong discovered, I would be shot death or any kinds of cruel torture being faced. I had no allowed to tell any inmates, they should report to Vietcong. I ate the food and learned English by word by word, I couldn't speak for practice, so I used a finger as a hug board to write, my friends considered me as the mad man, but I didn't care, I had to learn English for myself promise. After 5 years, a pocket dictionary done and in 1981, I was released by illness, but I had to face 12 months for local government's probation likely a jail outside. I hid in jungle as dissident, then in 1982 I had an opportunity to escape by very small boat, I came to Malaysia refugee camp, and January 1983, I resettled anew life in Australia. I worked many places as laborer: meat work, cleaner, recycle company, fish and chip owner...during working for the living cost, I had learned English myself, then it took me more 25 years, in 2010, a first book published in New York by a global publisher. Second book" good evening Vietnam" released 2011, and the book number 3 released on October 31, 2012. My books sell worldwide and those place into many library around the world, those books are facility printing in US, UK, Australia, German, India, Brazil.... You may find my books by typing my name on the search of Google" Hoa minh Truong".

I have to tell you about my story, I would like you understand how the cruelty of Vietcong, the communist party exercise the Ho Chi Minh's will, so there is more than 90 million people lost freedom in Vietnam. My story to be known by The Queen, so after read my book, she told a lady in waiting wrote letter to me.

In the world, Ho Chi Minh to be considered as the most massacre in 20th century ( Polska newspaper in Poland issued on March 5, 2013). The Larousse dictionary of France named out Ho Chi Minh long time. In 1998, despite Vietcong embassy in UN proposed to celebrate 100th birth day of Ho Chi Minh, but UNESCO stopped, because they knew Ho Chi Minh as the massive killed, his crime opposes against the humanity.

I just tell to you and council of Newhaven the truth, I understand the business that you city being linked to Hanoi regime. However, the Vietnam government doesn't elected by people likely the council or any government level in the democratic country. Vietnam government representatives are as the bandit, they elected the leaders themselves.

In the legal system, the law considers who buy a stolen good as accomplice. So the doing business to the dictatorial regime as the same, the product come from the sweat of slave. The world have fought against the cheap laborer and children worker, so in Vietnam is as the same.

I understood what does your city concerns, but I think the British respect the freedom and human rights. So your city honored Ho Chi Minh that made terrible mistake. In Russia, after Soviet Union collapsed, Lenin, Stalin's statues were knocked down, as Saddam in Iraq...I believe your council recognize the truth.
I wish the best to you and council.

Hoa Minh Truong.


Dear Truong,

Thank you for telling me your story.

I wish you all the best too.

Kind regards,

Jacky Cole | Deputy Town Clerk
Newhaven Town Council
18 Fort Road
East Sussex
T: 01273 516100
F: 01273 611175
Web: www.newhaventowncouncil.gov.uk


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